Explanation of Icons at Continuus Web Site

Download File to Local Disk.

Read File On-Line.

Many files have been converted so as to be readable on-line.

Data Entry/Reply Form.

Use this icon to mail feedback and replies regarding the information on the current page. The form serves a variety of purposes: on-line registration for events, feedback, applications for specific programs, update of information, requests for further information, requests for assistance, and so forth.

All forms automatically generate communications to responsible persons.

Return to Continuus Home Page.

Your Web Browser may be pointing to any number of Home Pages. Clicking here returns you to the Continuus home page.

Return to Calling Page..

Typically, you will use the forward and backward keys on your web browser to retrace your path. No matter what circuitous path you might take, this key always returns you immediately to the page that called this item.

Go to Top Item of Calling Page.

Thrashing around on a Web Site costs you time and money. This icon takes you immediately to the top of the list of items you are browsing, without going back out to the calling page.

Move Up One Item on Calling Page.

Why reload the calling page, just to hypertext back up to the preceeding item? This icon omits the extra steps and goes directly to the previous item.

Move Down One Item on Calling Page.

Why reload the calling page, just to hypertext back down to the next item? This icon omits the extra steps and goes directly to the next item.

Go to Last Item on Calling Page.

Go directly to the last item on the page.

This Message.

Contact Continuus@WJI.Com for further assistance.
Les Squires, Manager, Continuus Web Site